The RCNI is governed by its Board of Directors. The RCNI is member-owned – our Board of Directors is comprised of representatives nominated from member Rape Crisis Centres (RCCs). Staff and volunteers from member RCCs also take up membership of relevant sub-groups or working committees of the Board.

The Board oversee the implementation of our Strategic Plan which is developed through high levels of consultation with our members, as well as other stakeholders. In recognition of the organisational complexities specific to member-owned Networks the RCNI contracts expert consultancy to support and ensure good governance.

We confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland.

We prepare our accounts in accordance with the Financial Reporting Standard applicable in the UK and Republic of Ireland (FRS 102) (effective 1 January 2015)

RCNI Board of Directors 2024 Membership
Clíona SaidléarExecutive Director
Loretta McDonaghDirector, Mayo Rape Crisis Centre
Vera O’Leary nee CroninDirector, Kerry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre
Anne ScullyDirector, Waterford Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Centre and RCNI Chairperson
Lorraine QuigleyRCNI Company Secretary
Rebecca CoenDirector of Criminal Enforcement, Corporate Enforcement Authority (CEA)
Siobhan O’LearyDirector, Rape Crisis Midwest

RCNI members are independent and autonomous front line RCCs. Each RCC has its’ own legal structure, including its own Board of Directors or Board of Management.

RCCs provide a safe environment where survivors of sexual violence can experience safety, empowerment, restoration of positive regard for self, reconnection with the world and increased capacities for intimacy. Centres provide expert information, support, counselling and advocacy for those who have been affected by sexual violence. RCC services are delivered utilising a Survivor/Recovery model. Expertise is ensured through training of all staff and volunteers in the reality, nature and extent of sexual violence, the systems and structures which perpetuate sexual violence, along with all other training appropriate to each RCC role.

As an integral part of drawing on the experience, wisdom and power of survivors and as community based NGOs RCCs engage in and deliver awareness raising, training, education and campaigning towards social change and ending all forms of sexual violence.

RCNI Members:
Carlow & South Leinster Rape Crisis & Counselling Centre
Donegal Sexual Abuse & Rape Crisis Centre
Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre
Mayo Rape Crisis Centre
Rape Crisis Midwest
Waterford Rape & Sexual Abuse Service

Clíona Saidléar, PhD – Executive Director

Dr. Clíona Saidlear is the Executive Director of the Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI). Her role includes national policy and change initiatives across a range of Government Departments and inter-agency fora to improve the responses to survivors and to work towards the prevention of sexual violence. A key focus of Clíona’s work since 2004, when she first joined the RCNI as policy and communications director, has been on prevention. Clíona has presented widely from the UN and EU, to academic and issue based conferences and seminars as well as regularly acting as a spokesperson and providing lectures and training.  She was previously employed with a political party in Wales, Plaid Cymru, and the Royal College of Nursing after she completed her doctoral thesis with the Department of International Politics in Aberystwyth. She has also worked for over ten years in the disability sector.

Donna Parau Legal Director

RCNI are delighted to introduce our new Legal Director, Donna Parau. Donna, is an experienced Solicitor and
Barrister with a background in family law and has been involved in the sexual violence sphere both in a professional capacity and as a volunteer. Donna will be full time from September 1st 2023. She is currently on limited hours. Donna can be reached on for legal queries.

Lorraine Quigley – Network Administrator and Financial Officer

Louise Williams LLM – Communications Coordinator

Louise comes to RCNI from a journalism and human rights background. She worked for BBC World Service in London and reported from Sri Lanka, Haiti, Senegal and the Middle East. She holds an LLM from the Transitional Justice Institute in Belfast and has a particular interest in Central Africa where she worked for several years. Louise coordinates RCNI’s communications, from media to our website and has a particular interest in public space, active travel and gender.