Entries by Comms

Rape survivors need the law on their side

The principle that should inform all support for a rape survivor is that nothing after the crime, especially to their bodies, happens without their consent. When a survivor is pregnant after rape, the same principle stands. The polls consistently show that the majority of Irish people agree that rape survivors need compassionate and non-judgmental access […]

RCNI call for clarity on child sexual violence issues

RCNI are concerned at the series of issues in child protection coming to light as matters relating to Scouting Ireland and child protection investigations are being uncovered and understood. From the report in the Irish Times on the 24th of April 2018, outlining the steps taken by the three agencies with regards a serious child […]

Pre-recorded Direct Evidence and Cross-Examinations Should Be Alternatives to Live Evidence for Vulnerable Witnesses

Protections for Vulnerable Witnesses Like Rape Victims Must Start Well Before the Court Room In a timely report, a Multi-Agency Group of experts, convened by Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI), has recommended that the use of pre-recorded evidence should be increased and that pre-recorded cross-examination should be piloted in Irish courts in order to better […]

RCNI call on Government Scoping Group on Sexual Violence Data to deliver recommendations under three guiding principles

RCNI recommend three core principals to underline all scoping group recommendations: Sustainability The scoping group should strive for recommendations that put in place measures and frameworks that are repeatable, embedded and supported into the future. Specialist The Scoping group recommendations should keep to the fore that sexual violence is a cultural and systemic phenomenon that […]

Calling out those calling out survivors

This opinion piece was published in the Irish Independent on the 16th of November 2017 We have experienced an extraordinary month of public disclosures about sexual harassment and assaults. What should happen now? Suggestions range across questions such as, do we need to hear more from survivors of harassment in other institutions and not just […]