Entries by Comms

RCNI Press Release 27 Sept 2017 Rape and Pregnancy

Dear Editor, Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) responding to the government’s announcement of a referendum to be held on the 8th Amendment of the Constitution call on the public debate to be respectful and informed by the best available facts and compassionate understanding when discussing the realities facing girls and women in Ireland pregnant following […]

Child Abuse Mandatory reporting and Tusla record on investigating

Rape Crisis network Ireland (RCNI) welcome One in Four’s annual report today (4th Oct 2017). In particular we welcome their figures regarding their child protection reports into Tusla and the outcomes of same. These demonstrate concerning indicators that we may not be ready for the mandatory reporting Minister Zappone announced this week. Clíona Saidléar RCNI […]

8th Amendment of the Constitution

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI), responding to the government’s announcement of a referendum to be held on the 8th Amendment of the Constitution, call on the public debate to be respectful and informed by the best available facts and compassionate understanding when discussing the realities facing girls and women in Ireland pregnant following rape. Rape […]

RCNI call for Victim’s Ombudsman

As the Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Bill is debated in the Seanad (Weds 27th) RCNI call on the government to put in place a Victims’ Ombudsman to ensure the rights of victims in this Bill and the EU Directive on Victims of Crime are fully vindicated within our justice system. Clíona Saidléar, RCNI Executive […]

Data protection: The State cannot be allowed to exempt itself from GDPR fines

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) today (14th June 2017) welcome the statement at the Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality by Data Protection Commissioner Helen Dixon, that a proposal to exempt Public bodies from fines under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is of concern. Clíona Saidléar, RCNI Executive Director said, ‘RCNI agree with […]

RCNI launch 2015 Rape Crisis Statistics Report

Rape Crisis Centres trusted contact point for sexual violence survivors -Rape Crisis Network Ireland launches annual report for 2015- 13,208 Helpline contacts in 2015: 76 per cent were voice calls, ranging from 1 minute to 1.5 hours. 67 per cent of survivors were subjected to other forms of violence (physical, emotional, psychological). One in ten […]