Entries by Comms

Grooming and Teenage Sexual Exploitation

Our ambiguity about sex can create opportunity for sexual exploitation   Today, upon the sentencing of a 26 year old man for online grooming and defilement of a 15 year old girl, the RCNI draw attention to our attitudes to teenage vulnerability to sexual predators.   Clíona Saidlear, head of RCNI said, ‘the grooming of […]

RCNI welcome EU Victims’ Directive transposition as a good day for survivors but cautions on inadequate resourcing

RCNI welcome EU Victims’ Directive transposition as a good day for survivors but cautions on inadequate resourcing. Today, the 16th of November, is a historic day for survivors of sexual violence as the European Victims’ Directive comes into force in Ireland putting significant extra obligations on the Irish State in what RCNI describe as a […]

Any cuts to Tusla will affect victims of sex assault and rape

Any cuts to Tusla will affect victims of sex assault and rape Irish Examiner opinion piece. A leaked Tusla (the Child and Family Agency) briefing to a Cabinet subcommittee regarding the Agency being ‘in default of statutory obligations‘ due to a lack of resources, prompted its Chief Executive, Mr. Gordon Jeyes, to make a number […]

RCNI welcome the publication of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offices) Bill but express disappointment at a lack of definition of consent.

RCNI strongly welcome the publication of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offices) Bill and commend Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald but express disappointment at a lack of definition of consent. Clíona Saidléar, RCNI Acting Director said, ‘This long awaited legislation is one of the most important advances in the legal framework around sexual violence […]

RCNI responds to Minister Reilly’s response to Joan Collins, TD Priority Question and Ruth Coppinger TD’s in the Dail

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) Press Release 8th July 2015 RCNI responds to Minister Reilly’s response to Joan Collins, TD Priority Question and Ruth Coppinger TD’s in the Dail RCNI welcomes the questions put to Minister for Children James Reilly by Joan Collins, TD and Ruth Coppinger TD during today’s Priority Questions about removal of […]

Letter of support from Academics calling for reinstatement of RCNI funding

Dear Sir,   Sexual violence continues to be one of the most serious challenges for our society. The paucity of data on this issue, particularly of a survivor-centered nature, highlights the considerable gaps in knowledge that currently exist. There can also be considerable difficulty in conducting good quality, robust research as a result. In recent years, […]

RCNI welcomes motion to reinstate government funding and looks forward to meeting Minister Reilly

RCNI welcomes motion to reinstate government funding and looks forward to meeting Minister Reilly A motion calling on the Government to immediately reinstate funding for Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI), tabled by Independent Councillor Catherine Connolly and passed by the Regional Health Forum West will now be sent to Minister James Reilly for his urgent […]

Letter: Rape Crisis Network Ireland

Rape Crisis Network Ireland Sir, – In “‘Very serious mistakes’ in State’s sexual violence strategy” (June 9th), you reported Tusla’s comment on the Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) national data, knowledge and information system that “the data collection techniques employed by RCNI were not of the requisite standard”. This statement is untrue. We thank The […]

Opinion: Funding cut will erode service for victims of sexual violence

Funding cut will erode service for victims of sexual violence Sexual violence is highly prevalent across Ireland. One in five girls and one in six boys experience contact sexual abuse and one in 10 women are raped within their life time (SAVI 2002). In short, sexual violence is one of the most critical issues a […]