RCNI responds to Minister Reilly’s response to Joan Collins, TD Priority Question and Ruth Coppinger TD’s in the Dail

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) Press Release

8th July 2015

RCNI responds to Minister Reilly’s response to Joan Collins, TD Priority Question and Ruth Coppinger TD’s in the Dail

RCNI welcomes the questions put to Minister for Children James Reilly by Joan Collins, TD and Ruth Coppinger TD during today’s Priority Questions about removal of RCNI core funding by Tusla.

In her questions, Deputy Collins alluded to the role of RCNI and made the case that the Tusla cannot replace the role of the RCNI.

Minister Reilly maintained that funding provided to RCNI by Tusla was to develop and maintain a database of information recorded by workers in rape crisis centres.

In response, RCNI Acting Director Dr. Clíona Saidléar said: “First and foremost, RCNI’s purpose, for which it has received core funding since 1997, is primarily to represent the interests of survivors of sexual violence, ensure their voices are heard and to work towards solutions for prevention of sexual violence for the whole of society. Data collection is therefore a vital tool needed to achieve these objectives, not our core purpose.”

Minster Reilly also repeated his claim that Tusla has undertaken a comprehensive review of sexual and domestic violence services in consultation with service providers in order to identify strategic priorities and to set out a roadmap for the future delivery of these services. Presumably the decision to cease funding the RCNI arises out of that review. RCNI wishes to confirm Deputy Collins’ statement that at no point was such a review made available to us or indeed the subject service providers. We would ask the Minster to confirm whether he has seen that review.

In response to concerns raised by Minister Reilly that this database did not capture information from all 16 rape crisis centres, Dr Saidlear said:

“RCNI data and knowledge information system data is the collective voice of survivors attending Rape Crisis Centres, which provides the necessary evidence base to continue work to end sexual violence. 15 of 16 centres used the RCNI data system which was more than sufficient for our purposes of survivors’ experiences informing change.

“As we advised Tusla, it is their responsibility to ensure compliance of the services they fund to meet Tusla’s need for comprehensive operational administrative data which can then be easily delivered from the RCNI system. Tusla choose not to act in this way to enhance national planning towards meeting its objective of national service development.

“It should also be noted that prior to the inception of Tusla, 15 of the 16 Rape Crisis Centres used the RCNI data, knowledge and information system. Since Tusla took over, fragmentation, new gaps and duplication are arising not only in data collection but elsewhere.”

Minister Reilly said that Tusla has undertaken to take on the responsibility to develop and maintain a database as “a priority”. Tusla previously informed RCNI that they were taking over the collection of data for their purposes in January 2015. To date, over six months later, no new system is in place. Tusla in response to recent queries have said they have begun ‘scoping’ the ‘many complex issues associated’.

Dr. Cliona Saidléar said:

“It is now July, and Tusla have not produced a data collection system for Rape Crisis Centres and there is, to date, no timeline on this that we are aware of. As we have advised Tusla and the Minister, the complex issues Tusla are currently grappling with, in our expert opinion, will inevitably deliver partial and inadequate data collection and not the more ‘complete’ data to which the Minister refers.

“Tusla can either collect a much reduced and minimal set of information which will not provide the necessary information for challenging a rape supportive culture or for reducing levels of sexual violence or give survivors the independent and strong voice that the RCNI system provides. Or Tusla can attempt to collect personal information which, as the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner has flagged, may in fact be in breach of the Data Protection (amendment) Act 2003 and require new legislation. Given the nature of sexual violence in our culture and the ongoing lack of safety that the majority of survivors continue to feel in disclosing and reporting the crimes, a statutory database of such sensitive personal data is highly problematic given the majority of RCC users choose not to report to the Gardaí as is their right.

“In addition when Minister Reilly questions the reliability of the RCNI system under Dail privilege, this implicates RCNI and the staff and volunteers in 15 RCCs who guarantee the reliability and standard of information going in and the external academics who verify and certify the analysis and reliability of the data coming out.”

Dr Saidléar continued:

“The RCNI data collection system, which has been successfully collecting information given to us by survivors for over ten years, is non-statutory and has data protection measures in place which commit to honour the rights, privacy and choices of survivors, including those 66% of survivors who choose not to go to the Gardaí. We therefore feel that Tusla, by its nature as a statutory agency cannot and indeed should not attempt to move such personal data into the control of the state.”

 We continue to welcome a meeting with Minister Reilly on these matters.

Letter of support from Academics calling for reinstatement of RCNI funding

Dear Sir,


Sexual violence continues to be one of the most serious challenges for our society. The paucity of data on this issue, particularly of a survivor-centered nature, highlights the considerable gaps in knowledge that currently exist. There can also be considerable difficulty in conducting good quality, robust research as a result. In recent years, we the undersigned have, in partnership with and made possible by Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI), had the opportunity to engage in research, learning and sharing on this issue, some of which has been truly ground-breaking. 


As academics, researchers and partners of RCNI, we call on the Irish government to reinstate the funding for this essential and unique resource, which helps to bridge the gap between academic expertise, emerging sexual violence issues and survivors. The continuing provision of high quality national data not available elsewhere in Ireland is of utmost importance in this regard.


Ailbhe Smith, Former Head of Women’s Studies, UCD

Dr. Conor Hanly, Lecturer, School of Law, NUI Galway

Dr. Cris M. Sullivan, Director, MSU Research Consortium on Gender-based Violence, Michigan State University

Dr. Debra Patterson, Associate Professor, Wayne State University

Dr. Deirdre Healy, Lecturer, Sutherland School of Law, UCD

Dr. Eilionóir Flynn, Deputy Director, Centre for Disability Law and Policy, NUI Galway

Dr. Eimear Spain, Lecturer, School of Law, University of Limerick

Dr. Fergus Hogan, Co-ordinator, Centre for Social and Family Research, Waterford Institute of Technology

Dr. Jennifer Yeager, Lecturer in Psychology, School of Humanities, Waterford Institute of Technology

Dr. Liz Kelly, Director, Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, London Metropolitan University

Dr. Marie Keenan, College Lecturer, School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice, UCD

Dr. Maureen Lyons, Researcher and Research Manager, School of Social Justice, UCD

Dr. Pádraig MacNeela, Lecturer, Department of Psychology, NUI Galway

Dr. Saoirse Nic Gabhainn, Senior Lecturer, School of Health Sciences, NUI Galway

Dr. Stacey Scriver, Research Associate, Centre for Global Women’s Studies, School of Political Science and Sociology, NUI Galway

Dr. Susan Leahy, Lecturer, School of Law, University of Limerick

Helen Bartlett L.LM, Irish Centre for Human Rights

Professor Shane Kilcommins, Head of School of Law, University of Limerick

RCNI welcomes motion to reinstate government funding and looks forward to meeting Minister Reilly

RCNI welcomes motion to reinstate government funding and looks forward to meeting Minister Reilly

A motion calling on the Government to immediately reinstate funding for Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI), tabled by Independent Councillor Catherine Connolly and passed by the Regional Health Forum West will now be sent to Minister James Reilly for his urgent attention. Councillor Connolly said she very much welcomed the unanimous and overwhelming cross-party support for the motion from elected members on the Regional Health Forum, from Donegal to Tipperary, which was the result, she said, of urgent and repeated representations from the community in relation to the government withdrawal of funding from RCNI.

RCNI would like to thank Councillor Connolly for tabling the motion at the Regional Health Forum West meeting held in Merlin Park last Tuesday, and is grateful for the support of councillors throughout the West of Ireland in its bid to have its core funding reinstated.

Councillor Connolly in her press release said: “The work and the services provided by the Rape Crisis Network are absolutely essential… the organisation has been a strong and independent voice, repeatedly highlighting the prevalence of sexual violence in our community and the inadequate response of various governments in addressing this issue.”

“Indeed”, she said, “it has shown over and over that the majority of survivors of sexual violence i.e. four out of five, do not engage at all with the justice system or with one to one counselling, and that without an organization such as RCNI the voices of the silent majority of victims would never be heard.”

Councillor Connolly also highlighted the importance of RCNI’s independent research, data collection and analysis functions, alluding to the fact that these give RCNI a role that is distinctly different from the services provided by Rape Crisis Centres throughout the country. She also referenced the use of this data as an “essential tool” in informing any government introduction of or changes to legislation and/or policies and practices relating to sexual violence.

“In the circumstances”, said Cllr Connolly, “the withdrawal of core funding by the government from the RCNI beggars belief and highlights in the most acute way the hypocrisy of the Government’s commitment to dealing with sexual violence.”

RCNI has been informed that Minister Reilly has agreed to meet with representatives of the organisation in the near future.

Dr Clíona Saidléar, RCNI Acting Director said, “This support from across parties is significant and recognises that the issue of sexual violence needs our collective leadership and collaboration. We were delighted to hear that Minister Reilly will now meet us, and look forward to a date being set for this meeting as quickly as possible. We plan to use this meeting to bring to his attention matters around the urgent need for his department to engage significantly in a whole of government response to sexual violence in Ireland.”



RCNI core funding from the HSE/Tusla was cut from €292,770 in 2010 to €183,878 in 2014, representing a 37% cut, before being cut fully in 2015 as of the 31st of March. This funding represents approximately 70% of RCNI’s statutory funding, with the remaining 30% designated for specific programmes.

RCNI call on government to state its intention to address the challenges of addressing sexual violence

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) Press Release

Wednesday 10th June 2015

RCNI call on government to state its intention to address the challenges of addressing sexual violence

Yesterday, the 9th of June RCNI called on government to meet the challenges in addressing sexual violence. The government’s response so far has been dismissive and inadequate. We call on the government to state its intention to address the significant challenges, gaps and deficits in the State’s current response to sexual violence.

Dr Clíona Saidléar RCNI Acting Director said, ‘4 out of 5 survivors of sexual violence are voting with their feet and are not engaging with the justice system or accessing one to one counselling. Therefore, for government to effectively say it is sufficient to be funding direct face-to-face services for 20% of survivors as well as working to improve legislation and the justice process, is not credible. This is not justice.

‘This silent majority must be listened to by this government. We must continue to ask what more needs to be done, in our communities and across the whole of government to respond progressively to sexual violence. The challenge is that the majority of survivors do not engage with the State. RCNI works to ensure their voices do not get lost.

‘Addressing this very serious challenge requires working in partnership with the specialists who can assist government. Instead, at a time when the RCNI and the limited specialist resources available to government are in jeopardy, this government have put their energy into dismissing and attempting to silence and undermine them. Such a response from government, on the removal by Tusla of RCNI core funding, lacks seriousness. Survivors deserve better from this government and we demand better. It is time for concrete measures and investment on the issue.

RCNI Core funding from HSE/Tusla was cut from €292,770 in 2010 to €183,878 in 2014, representing a 37% cut. Before being cut fully in 2015 as of the 31st of March. This funding represents approximately 70% of our statutory funding and the remaining 30% is designated for specific programmes.




RCNI call on the government to make a credible commitment to addressing sexual violence.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) Press Release

Tuesday June 9th 2015

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) as they launch what could be their last National Rape Crisis Statistic Report today call on the government to make a credible commitment to addressing sexual violence.

The RCNI National Rape Crisis Statistics Report 2014 was launched this morning at the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Speakers included Dr Clíona Saidléar (RCNI Director), Elaine Mears (RCNI Data and Services Information Manager), survivor and long standing RCC volunteer and staff member Rosie. This may be the last year the RCNI can present this powerful evidence-base from survivors of sexual violence as Tusla under this government have withdrawn 100% of RCNI’s core funding.

In 2014 this government in a decisive step to address many failings on sexual violence founded a new agency, Tusla: the Child and Family Agency but the RCNI warns against complacency. RCNI Director, Dr. Clíona Saidléar said, “Tusla’s capacity and remit addresses critical gaps and past failings in the State’s response to the crime of sexual violence and meeting survivors’ needs, in particular the child survivor. We continue to support them in that endeavour. However, by itself Tusla can never get the job of addressing sexual violence done. Tusla alone does not fulfil the State’s responsibility on sexual violence.

Ms Saidléar continued, “We estimate that only 20% of survivors will reach out to specialist services funded by Tusla. That means 80% do not and will not have their needs met by Tusla’s activities even at full capacity. If the totality of this State’s response to survivors is to provide services to only 20%, then the State’s response is manifestly insufficient. It is vital this government move beyond an understanding that its duty has been fulfilled in the handing over of its responsibility to the Statutory Agency, Tusla.

As long as there is insufficient capacity and fragmentary approaches to the prevention of sexual violence this government will fail to meet its obligations to victims of sexual violence under the EU Victims’ Directive. We call on government to take up its role on the issue of sexual violence; the continuation of the status quo of high levels of sexual violence without a credible challenge is simply not an option for any legitimate government.”

RCNI Data and Services Information Manager, Elaine Mears said, “64% of survivors coming to the 14 Rape Crisis Centres in this RCNI report did not report to the Gardaí. The many experiences of survivors that build this evidence-base for change are only recorded here in the RCNI data system and are visible to the State in no other way. This report using RCNI’s unique, best in class Data and Knowledge Collection System is critical to understanding sexual violence and gives a strong voice to survivors who are otherwise not engaging with the State but who engage with the independent Rape Crisis Centres and who benefit from the work done by centres in their communities.

Ms Mears continued, “Through the independent RCNI data, knowledge and information system and our programme of analysis and research, survivors can inform legislation, policies and practices nationally regarding sexual violence. We now have a highly developed and internationally recognised data collection system which continues to give a powerful voice to survivor stories. We call on government to fund the system as a matter of urgency as this system which cannot be replicated by the State, is currently at risk.

Key Findings of the Report

Some the key findings of the report are presented below. This information refers to the 14 Rape Crisis Centres in Ireland who entered information into the Data, Knowledge and Information System.

Perpetrator Information

·         93% of perpetrators were known to the survivor

·         15% of perpetrators were under 18

·         50% of perpetrators were between the age of 20 – 39

·         52% of survivors aged 13 to 17 were subjected to rape

Counselling and Support

·         18,296 Helplines contacts were made

·         Of the helpline calls to RCCs, 30% were made by the public & numerous agencies seeking information

·         1,913 people took up counselling and support

·         340 people were accompanied

·         17,288 appointments for counselling and support


·         33% of survivors reported the sexual violence to the police

·         48% of survivors of adult sexual violence reported the sexual violence to a formal authority

·         67%  of survivors who reported to the Gardaí felt that the Gardaí treated them in sensitive manner

·         60% of survivors who reported to Gardaí said the Gardaí maintained on-going contact with them throughout

·         80% of survivors who reported to the Gardaí did not have any difficulty getting information about her/his case from the Gardaí at any stage of the investigation


·         Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) is a specialist information and resource centre on rape and all forms of sexual violence.

·         The RCNI National Rape Crisis Statistics 2014 report can be downloaded in its entirety on www.rcni.ie from 10am on Tuesday, June 9th 2015.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland calls on inclusion of a definition of Consent at its public information seminar

Rape Crisis Network Ireland calls on inclusion of a definition of Consent at its public information seminar on the General Scheme of the forthcoming Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015


Today, Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) calls for the inclusion of a definition of consent to be included in the forthcoming Bill as it holds a public information seminar on the General Scheme of the forthcoming Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015. The seminar includes an expert panel to help inform the debate about key aspects of the Bill. Addressing a full house of delegates in Buswells hotel, the speakers included Dr Conor Hanly, NUIG School of Law, Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon, Detective Inspector, Michael Lynch (TBC) alongside the RCNI contribution by Legal Director, Caroline Counihan.


Clíona Saidléar, RCNI Director said, “The making of this Bill is the story of a vibrant and robust dialogue between government, survivors, experts and specialist advocates. Survivors, through their engagement with the justice system, supported and championed by justice professionals and independent specialist advocates have, over the past decade, made the case for many of the changes and additions to existing measures being proposed in this Bill.”


This Bill is not only in line with the European Victims Directive, but in some areas ahead of such standards. Lessons in protection and risk management are also a significant part of this general scheme. Material covered in the seminar included a look into Grooming Offences, Harassment Orders, Special Measures, Changes to Sex Offenders Act 2001: Risk Assessment & Management and Consent to Sexual Activity were also addressed.


Caroline Counihan, Legal Director for RCNI said, “It is essential to define consent in our legislation to give us the capacity to challenge the denial and minimisation which often works to isolate and silence victims. RCNI is advocating for a positive definition of Consent to Sexual Activity to be included in this Bill.  RCNI recommend a definition similar to that adopted in England and Wales in their 2003 Sexual Offences Act, at section 74, namely: ‘A person consents if he agrees by choice, and has the freedom and capacity to make that choice.”


Ms Saidléar went on to say, “Alongside these changes in law, Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald must work to vindicate the rights and deliver justice for the 80% of all sexual violence victims that do not report to the Gardaí. The significantly silenced voices of those who remain outside the justice system and their right to justice continues to be a challenge that this government must address. Supporting a strong independent voice for the silenced is a basic  requirements of any government which takes responsibility on the issue of sexual violence.”


For a briefing note on the areas of the Heads of Bill under discussion at the seminar click here



·         Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) is a specialist information and resource centre on rape and all forms of sexual violence.

·         Please see www.rcni.ie under publications and submission for a range of RCNI documentation which contributed to the contents of this Bill.


RCNI call for the immediate removal of Diageo/Role-models advert

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) call for the immediate removal of all Diageo/Role-models advert which blames victims of sexual violence for the crimes that have been committed against them.

Clíona Saidléar, RCNI Director, said ‘the latest Diageo/Role-models advertisement features a young woman returned home after a night out clearly upset, with her mother standing in the bedroom doorway. The tag line read: ‘Who’s following in your footsteps: Out-of-control-drinking has consequences.’ The sinister inference is that the young girl has been attacked on her way home. The message is it’s her fault for being drunk and what is more it is also her mother’s fault for her own drinking habits.

‘The belief that drunk girls are ‘asking for it’ is one that needs to be strongly challenged as it is one that we know perpetrators use to select and target their victims knowing this cultural attitude will mean they get away with it. Disappointingly, the out-of-control campaign instead of challenging it has reinforced it here.

‘Not only is the survivor blamed, the survivors’ mother is also in the frame. The perpetrator is not in this picture. This is a harmful, regressive and hurtful message which targets the vulnerable. Survivors of sexual violence should never be used in this manner.

‘This latest ad builds on the shaming of women theme that can be seen in much drink related campaigning. The out-of-control campaign which started by asking women if they were ‘embarrassed’ while they were being photographed without their consent in a potentially compromising position, has now progressed  to blaming victims of rape for their own rape.

‘This is utterly unacceptable and RCNI demand that Diageo remove these offending advertisements immediately. We ask all papers and commercial platforms carrying this ad to take it down and refuse to run such dangerous cultural messages of rape victim blaming.’

RCNI urges government to make Sexual Consent Education a priority within our Secondary Schools

RCNI urges government to make Sexual Consent Education a priority within our Secondary Schools

RCNI today, following announcements in the UK, urge Minister for Education, and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan to act now to ensure our children are protected from sexual violence through teaching the knowledge, skills and abilities to understand sexual consent and negotiate their potential relationships safely.

Cliona Saidlear, RCNI Director said, ‘this time last year RCNI revealed new research findings in Young people, Alcohol and Sex: What’s Consent got to do with it?, in which our brightest young people, our college students, said they lacked preparedness to negotiate consent safely leaving them vulnerable to sexual violence.  They cited having had no exposure to consent education in their school experience.

‘Our school curriculum and national policy within the education system has as yet not responded to that evidence of failure to prevent sexual violence and protect children. In addition we continue to await the National Sexual Health Strategy. Today the UK government took the initiative and announced plans to teach children from the age of 11 about sexual consent. This approach to sexual violence prevention would advance us towards the WHO  Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe (2010) which outlines the various levels of sexuality education recommended from 0-4, 6-9, 9-12, 12-15 and 15 plus.

‘Our young people need government to act to prevent sexual violence. In RCNI’s report in 2013 on Hearing Child Survivors of Sexual Violence it was revealed that 37% of the perpetrators of sexual violence against children were themselves children. This figure could be reduced if greater emphasis was placed on prevention through sexual consent training.

‘We cannot continue to be outraged at the level of incidence of sexual violence and particularly alcohol implicated sexual violence amongst young people, when opportunities for preventing sexual violence are not prioritised.

RCNI call on the Minister to look to the WHO evidence and our neighbour’s example and make sexual consent education a priority.

RCNI welcomes appointment of new Ombudsman for Children

RCNI welcomes appointment of new Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon


Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) has welcomed the appointment of Dr Niall Muldoon as the new Ombudsman for Children, as announced yesterday by Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr James Reilly


Dr Cliona Saidlear, RCNI Acting Director said, ‘RCNI have had the privilege of working with Niall Muldoon over a number of years, both in his role in CARI and later within the Ombudsman’s office. Niall has great insight into the vulnerabilities of the child and in particular brought a focus to the complex world that the older child both thrives within and navigates.’


According to the most recent RCNI National Rape Crisis Statistics Report 2013 7% of survivors attending Rape Crisis Centres (RCCs) were under the age of 18. 14% of perpetrators of sexual violence against survivors coming to RCCs were under the age of 18. 23% of survivors who were abused when under the age of 13 were abused by other children.


Ms Saidlear went on to say, ‘a focus on the older child and an understanding of their vulnerability to both aggression and victimisation remains a critical and under-resourced area of child protection and sexual violence prevention. We wish Dr Muldoon well in his new role.’


Also please see www.rcni.ie under research and reports for further information on children using RCC services in 2013

RCNI strongly welcome the release of the General Scheme of the forthcoming Criminal Law (Sexual Offices) Bill

RCNI strongly welcome the release of the General Scheme of the forthcoming Criminal Law (Sexual Offices) Bill and commend Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald for bringing this substantial and significant piece of legislation before us.

Cliona Saidlear, RCNI Acting Director said, ‘This long awaited legislation is one of the most important advances in the legal framework around sexual violence crimes in recent years. RCNI would also like to recognise the work of previous Ministers for Justice, the significant effort by Cosc, the National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence over several years, and the work of members of Oireachtas Committees who have contributed to the legislation’s development over recent years. This legislation truly is a product of the Oireachtas as a whole and we look forward to contributing our perspectives on it, as members of the Oireachtas give this legislation their consideration on its progression into law.

Caroline Counihan, RCNI Legal Director said, ‘we are constantly reminded through our clinical work of the devastation caused to children by sexual violence. A large part of this violence begins with “grooming” behaviours, which do not always fit in to the existing categories of offences. Therefore, we have been advocating for years for laws that fit the realities of today’s childhood. The introduction of a new offence of grooming of children including grooming via social media and otherwise through the use of information technology is very welcome.

‘In addition, RCNI is very glad to see the new provisions tightening the law in relation to the monitoring and supervision of sex offenders on release from prison and placing the risk assessment of these offenders on a statutory footing. Our hope is that these measures taken together will do much to help reduce the impacts of release not only on these offenders’ victims but also on the wider community.

‘Finally, RCNI welcomes the introduction of a statutory regime to regulate disclosure of counselling records relating to victims, in criminal proceedings, for which we and our partners have also advocated for years. This means that a judge will decide whether and/or to what extent, any disclosure of such documents will be allowed, and in doing so, s/he will take into account the right of the victim to protection from further harm and the public interest in preserving the confidentiality of such intimate and personal records, as well as the right of the accused to a fair trial.

RCNI looks forward to examining this complex General Scheme in more detail and to producing a full measured response to it in the near future’


Also please see www.rcni.ie under publications and submission for a range of RCNI documentation which contributed to the contents of this Bill