Rape Crisis Network Ireland Welcomes Consultation on the Third National DSGBV Strategy

RCNI welcomes today’s opening of Consultation on the Third National Strategy to Combat Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence (DSGBV) by Minister for Justice Helen McEntee and its stated goal of ‘zero tolerance’ of violence against women and girls.  

 In particular, we strongly welcome the proposed new dedicated agency on DSGBV which will be established on a statutory basis and which will be responsible for both policy and services, under the Minister for Justice. 

 Says Cliona Saidlear, Executive Director of Rape Crisis Network Ireland:  

‘This will be this Government’s legacy in the struggle to eradicate violence against women as it will sustain the sector and our capacity to understand the causes of DSGBV and drive solutions into the future, allowing us to create real change.’ 

Alongside the proposed Cabinet sub-committee on DSGBV, this measure will ensure that sexual violence as well as other forms of violence will get the prominence and the dedicated focus they deserve. This must be matched with adequate resources, staffing and levels of autonomy for the agency in its work. Furthermore, this strategy for the first time integrates the child victim into the consideration of DSGBV – this will be transformative and we commend the Minister and her colleagues for taking this step.

Other positive initiatives include:  

  • the recognition of the need for close collaboration with specialist NGOs including service provider NGOs; 
  • the framing of the Strategy in Istanbul Convention terms that focus on Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Policy Co-Ordination; 
  • the emphasis on the importance of research and data collection to monitor and evaluate trends, outcomes and efficiency as well as imagine and develop solutions. 

The Third National Strategy is presented as an open, working document and RCNI looks forward to future collaboration with the Department of Justice and other State and non-State agencies to help ensure the Strategy reaches its full potential and continue to evolve in its ambition and capacity. 


Statement on Child Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation Material (Amendment) Bill 2022

Rape Crisis Network Ireland strongly supports in principle the replacement of “child pornography” in the current legislation with “child sexual exploitation material” outlined in the Child Trafficking and Child Sexual Exploitation Material (Amendment) Bill 2022 brought by Senator Eileen Flynn last week. We would like to congratulate Senator Flynn on this very important initiative. 

As it stands, the Bill would need to have some essential amendments to ensure that it is legally robust: most importantly so that existing prosecutions for child pornography offences are preserved and so that those already subject to the Sex Offenders Act 2001 – who have already been convicted of “child pornography” offences – will continue to be subject to it even when the wording is changed. 

Breaking the Silence: Terminology Guidelines for Data Collection on Sexual Violence against Children

‘With an estimated 2% conviction rate* on reported Child Sexual Violence cases, making sure we can tell the child’s story, wherever they break the silence, is essential’ says Cliona Saidlear, Executive Director of RCNI, ‘All services and professionals meeting a child’s needs must be able to join up their knowledge with others’, especially when our children cannot. To do this we must develop a common language. This is what the RCNI Breaking the Silence collaborative project promises.’  

The goal of a common language and the aim of creating guidelines for terminology on sexual violence against children is to enable the collection of reliable, comprehensive and comparable data across services which will improve our understanding and interagency pathways for children. Failure to use shared language risks minimising or even erasing the experience of the child. 

‘Breaking the Silence’ is a collaborative project which provides child-specific terminology and definitions for some of the manifestations of the many forms of sexual violence against children that are covered by the Istanbul Convention and Irish legislation.  Now, more than ever, it is well understood that violence against children includes physical, psychological, sexual and emotional violence and it has become increasingly important that the language to describe it captures and accurately records its breadth and nuance. The terminology guide is designed to be used by Irish service providers who must be able to talk to the children and their carers, in language that is appropriate to their organisation.   


* The 2% conviction rate is an estimate developed by the Garda Inspectorate. 


Download the resource here.


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Gaps in Specialist Sexual Violence Training Must Be Addressed 

Rape Crisis Network Ireland Responds to Higher Education Authority’s Surveys On Sexual Violence and Harassment in Higher Education 

Today’s Higher Education Authority Surveys of experiences of Sexual Violence and Harassment in Higher Education released by the Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, Simon Harris, makes for sobering reading. The students who took part in the survey described high levels of sexual violence and harassment and staff. 

RCNI welcomes the progress made in establishing the evidence of the extent of sexual violence and harassment amongst Ireland’s HEI students and staff and welcomes Minister Harris’ commitment of additional funding to support accountability and action across HEIs and supporting cultural change.  

Many survivors of sexual abuse and harassment on campus will seek counselling support, including at their local Rape Crisis Centre. Our forthcoming research shows that 11% attend student counselling and 33% attend rape crisis centres for specialist counselling. To reinforce the solid recommendations outlined in the report, RCNI calls for all HEIs to make good on a partnership with their local Rape Crisis Centre through secure funding commitments under the HEI Framework for Consent to support the availability and access for their students and staff to specialization services and advocacy. 

For the Minister and the Department their attention must include supporting the training infrastructure that needs to be in place to meet survivor needs. The RCNI’s forthcoming report on the Clinical Innovation Project ‘Counselling Survivors On and Offline’ examined the provision of on- and offline counselling to survivors of sexual violence during the pandemic and identified serious shortfalls in the availability of specialised training and CPD for counsellors. It also found that two thirds of survivors do not reach specialist services and have a high level of dissatisfaction with the support they receive. Survivor feedback speaks to an urgent need to put in place standardised specialist training and specialist clinical supervision for the counselling sector. 

Cliona SaidlearExecutive Director of RCNI, said:  

The gaps in specialist sexual violence training across the counselling profession pose a risk of further harm and re-traumatisation for survivors of sexual violence. The current situation of absent or uneven specialist sexual violence training is inequitable and does not serve either survivors or counsellors. It challenges student counselling services and their partners in the community in providing counselling for survivors and reducing waiting lists. RCNI would welcome further engagement with the Minister about how we ensure the professional specialist training with the potential to improve the experience of all is supported. 

Joining Up the Dots: RCNI welcomes Commitments Made in Dáil Debate

Following the murder of Ashling Murphy and the Sinn Féin Motion to the Dáil on 19 January 2022, RCNI welcomes government announcements.  


RCNI Executive Director Cliona Saidlear said:  

‘The transformation in the past week is that the issue of Men’s Violence Against Women has been articulated, almost unanimously, as part of a system of misogyny.’  

As Sinn Féin leader Deputy Mary Lou MacDonald coined it, ‘the circuitry of misogyny’, the systemic nature of male violence against women, has been identified and called out. The Taoiseach, Ministers and Deputies echoed this same message.  

What we heard over and over was an understanding that we cannot divorce the violence against one woman from the violence that happens to all women, from the everyday sexist slights and omissions to the targeted, sustained and serious attacks on women.  

RCNI welcomes Minister for Justice Helen McEntee’s announcement that her Department is ‘developing a plan to bring policy responsibility for domestic, sexual and gender-based violence and the delivery of domestic violence services together under the Department of Justice’. This will mean the funding of services will for the first time be located in the same Department as the policy lead. This joins up the dots at an infrastructure level for the first time and gives us the chance of a systemic response to a systemic problem.  

RCNI Executive Director Cliona Saidlear said: 

RCNI particularly welcomes that the work, in one Department, under one Ministry, in service provision and prevention on DSGBV, will be accountable to a cabinet committee chaired by An Taoiseach.  

This meets the level of political engagement and accountability we have been calling for. RCNI looks forward to working with the lead DSGBV Minister, political leaders and the Department to advance the scale of action and reform needed for the cultural change Michael Martin has committed Ireland to.’ 

Rape Crisis Network Ireland Calls For Action To End Men’s Violence Against Women

The murder of Ashling Murphy has drawn universal focus on what we can do as a nation to combat violence against women and girls. We honour Ashling with our commitment to end men’s violence against women. 

Clíona Saidlear, RCNI executive Director said:

We have not yet built and secured an infrastructure commensurate with the scale of the problem of men’s violence against women but this is the moment that government can choose to deliver. If, as has been claimed repeatedly this week, this is a ‘watershed’ moment, we must lay out clearly the changes we need.’  

 A review of the infrastructure that supports survivors of domestic and sexual violence is where we start. The DSGBV audit that was completed last summer has yet to be actioned.  



Minister for Justice Helen McEntee has been a determined advocate on violence against women while she has been in office. From Department of Justice-led public awareness campaigns such as #StillHere and #NoExcuses, to the Supporting The Victim’s Journey initiative implementing the recommendations put forward in Tom O’Malley’s report Review of Protections for Vulnerable Witnesses In the Investigation and Prosecution of Sexual Offences, she has been a proactive and dynamic leader and we commend her for her efforts.  

RCNI supports the development of dedicated Ministry to address men’s Violence Against Women to ensure that the type of leadership shown by Minister McEntee remains structured into Government in the coming decades. The Ministry would be responsible for funding, supports and resources from Government as well ensuring the building of knowledge and expertise, fostering and enabling learning and solutions. 


Knowledge and Expertise 

The DSGBV Government audit of 2021 recommended a DSGBV Office that would include ‘the provision of supports to services and policy makers; opportunities to reflect, learn and continually improve effectiveness, support to develop relationships, skills and innovation and the provision of spaces for the “frank conversations” that are necessary from time to time to reach agreement on difficult issue.’ We need clarity from the government on how the forthcoming National Strategy is going to respond to the findings of the Audit.  

It is vital that the knowledge and expertise accrued by NGOs working in DSGBV frontline services informs this Ministry’s decisions. NGOs and professionals should be provided with the means that will enable them to dedicate adequate staff time and resources to the vital work of evidence building, collaboration and developing solutions.  



Currently funding for frontline services that support women affected by violence is ad hoc and insecure.  

  • Adequacy of Funding for Survivors: There is currently year-long waiting lists for survivors seeking therapy in Rape Crisis Centres around the country and these lists are growing.  
  • Funding must be multiannual and sustained. In order for Centres to provide survivors with a commitment to remain with them in their journey in confronting the impact of the trauma they carry in their lives, funding must be secure and sustainable to ensure retention of staff and specialization.  
  • Developing evidence and solutions: building specialization to understand and develop solutions to rape culture, rape myths and systemic hurdles, requires secure employment conditions to enable the development of the skills needed to build evidence and analysis.  
  • Training: All professionals responding to sexual violence with the appropriate specialisation. This includes specialisation for counsellors and therapists. The profession must be regulated and the sector resourced to set, train in and meet professional standards. 
  • Advocacy:  Every survivor engaging with the criminal justice system is entitled to a professional advocate. Government must fund the Rape Crisis National Advocacy programme pilot to transform the current volunteer led services to this professional footing.  
  • Culture: the Department of Education must develop and implement a national policy on sexual harassment and assault in schools.  
  • Statistics: All sectors and agencies must deliver comprehensive statistical data on the parts of the problem that are visible to them. This action must be prioritised and resourced.  
  • The government must continue to support the CSO work in developing the national Sexual Violence survey and repeating it on a regular basis.  


Recently published RCNI reports

Sustaining the Sector, Respecting the Survivor: RCNI Publishes Annual Statistics 2020

On Thursday 7 October,  Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) released its Annual Statistics 2020 report.

RCNI represents seven Rape Crisis Centres around Ireland and collates annual statistics on who is accessing RCC helplines, appointments, and accompaniments, why they are using services, and what kinds of sexual abuse they have been subjected to.  

The findings for 2020 indicate that regional Rape Crisis Centres are facing an emergency situation in which chronic underfunding is leading to an inability to train, recruit and retain counsellors resulting in long waiting lists for survivors in urgent need of support, in which local helplines whose existence rely solely on fundraising are frequently being used by survivors to replace or supplement a planned programme of counselling and in which these essential services are dependent on annual funding that is uncertain, inadequate and unstable. 

Said RCNI National Data Coordinator Elaine Mears: 

‘This data indicates that regional helplines became a lifeline for many survivors during the pandemic. We found a 22% increase in helpline usage with 13,068 people contacting these services and, most tellingly, a 71% increase in time spent on helpline calls. Furthermore, the intensity and length of the calls indicate that, rather than seeking information and referrals, the helplines are being used to access counselling by people carrying a high level of trauma. Year on year our Centres have seen increases in demand: in the last 10 years we have seen a 100% increase in contacts to Helplines, a 63% increase in appointments provided by RCCs, and a 30% increase in the number of survivors and supporters attending RCCs – these figures indicate that when seeking help people want their first point of contact to be local and that regional services provide an indispensable and integral service to their communities.’ 

Said RCNI Executive Director Dr Cliona Saidlear: 

‘While 2020 was an incredibly traumatic year that no doubt triggered a surge in demand for support from survivors, these figures are part of a pattern of increased need without a concomitant increase in funding. Our sector is consistently expected to deliver supports at lower costs: after a decade of austerity, by 2019 we were still struggling to reach 2008 levels of funding. We now call on the Government to commit to a programme of multiannual funding so that Rape Crisis Centres can bolster their essential helpline services, can train more specialised counsellors to reduce waiting lists and can offer survivors the help and support that they need and that they deserve.’ 

In spite of one in three women and one in four men being victims of sexual violence in their lifetime, in spite of Ireland’s human rights obligations under the Istanbul Convention, in spite of a global pandemic that made the lives of women and girls even more unsafe, the Irish state still needs to do more to respond adequately to the needs of victims of sexual violence.

The full report is available here.

‘Storm and Stress: An Exploration of Sexual Harassment Amongst Adolescents’ To Be Launched This Month

Rape Crisis Network Ireland is delighted to announce that it will launch its new report ‘Storm and Stress: An Exploration of Sexual Harassment Amongst Adolescents’ on Thursday 29 July at 2pm.  

The online event will be hosted by RCNI executive director Dr Clíona Saidléar and will include contributions from Dr Conor O’Mahony, Government Special Rapporteur on Child Protection, and Dr Niall Muldoon, Ombudsman for Children.  Author of the report, Dr Michelle Walsh  will present the findings of her research study and will answer questions, followed by a panel discussion. 

Early intervention in children’s lives is the strongest commitment we can make to prevention and protection from sexual violence and understanding the experience of adolescents is the first step to shaping interventions that work. We hope that you will join us to launch this vital report on Irish adolescents’ experiences and understanding of sexual harassment within their peer communities, and the responses required to address it. 

You can register for the webinar here

‘A Lot to Rebuild and A Lot to Begin’

Rape Crisis Network Ireland Responds to ‘Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence: An Audit of Structures’

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) welcomes today’s publication of Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence: An Audit of Structures, commissioned by the Department of Justice in consultation with the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. The publication sets out findings and recommendations arising from a review of the effectiveness of the current structures in place to oversee policy and its implementation in relation to Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV). 

Said Clíona Saidléar, executive director of RCNI: 

‘As a frontline organisation, RCNI was happy to have been approached for our feedback in the initial stages of the Audit and what we see published today and hear from Government Ministers is a clear signal that sexual and domestic violence will now be truly prioritised for the first time by an Irish Government.’ 

She continued:  

‘We commend Minister of State for Civil and Criminal Law Hildegarde Naughton and Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth Roderic O’Gorman on their clear-sighted commitment to building an infrastructure that will connect survivors’ experiences on the ground right through to the heart of Government accountability. We would like to emphasis that the actions arising from this Audit must be addressed on a whole of society and cultural level: DSGBV can no longer be hidden away, it needs to remain in front of all of us and in sight of the whole of Government where the clear light of day can reach it.  We have a lot to rebuild and we have a lot to begin.’ 

The publication of the Audit comes as a result of a Programme for Government commitment to investigate how responsibility for domestic sexual and gender-based violence is segmented across different government agencies and its findings will inform the Third National Strategy to  tackle to Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence that will be led by the Department of Justice and published at the end of 2021.  

‘Significant Progress Towards a Safer Online World’

RCNI Submission on the General Scheme of the forthcoming Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2020 

RCNI has published its submission to the Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sports and Media on the General Scheme of the forthcoming Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2020. The submission includes a number of observations and recommendations that focus on the online service aspects of the General Scheme. RCNI welcomes the Bill and strongly recommends the establishment of an individual complaints mechanism and in addition to the measures outlined, it is our view that online safety issues should become the responsibility of a dedicated Online Safety Commissioner and that his/her office is resourced adequately to ensure that any individual can have their complaint taken up by the Media Commission described in Bill with minimum delay and attendant harm.  

Until the Harassment, Harmful Communications and Related Offences Act 2020 came into force in February 2021, we had few tools with which to sanction online sexual violence against adult victims, or to ensure that online service providers are regulated in such a way as to minimise the risks of such violence. While it is possible to charge many perpetrators of online sexual violence against children with an offence under the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Act 2017, there were very few offences which could be charged in relation to adult victims of similar abuses until the new Act was passed. 

However, more is needed by way of a legislative framework to help ensure online safety from many forms of online sexual violence and harassment is properly regulated. The Online Safety and Media Regulation Bill 2020  makes significant progress towards a safer online world and will work best if it is underpinned by a greater range of criminal offences which capture as many forms of online sexual violence as possible.  

Clarity around terminology is much needed: it is vital that “harmful online content” is defined clearly and unambiguously so that not only a legal professional but also an internet user or service provider can understand easily which content is illegal and which content though not (yet) illegal nevertheless may be defined as harmful online content. Our own view is that it should be stated clearly that online content be regarded as “harmful” if a reasonable person would consider it likely to have the effect of intimidating the person to whom it pertains.  

From the point of view of reducing the risks of online harm, primary prevention is better than the best possible secondary measures taken after the fact. Online safety should be built into new platforms, programs, and applications as far as possible from the beginning – by design, and this should be named as a distinct objective.   

RCNI welcomes very much the holistic approach taken to tackle online safety by the Bill. Online sexual harassment and abuse is a prevalent and ever-increasing form of sexual violence which is no less serious in its effects than any contact sexual violence. The Bill is reassuringly comprehensive and is by no means confined to the creation, implementation, revision and supervision of online safety codes but extends to primary prevention through safety by design, education, and policy developments. We hope that the recommendations outlined in our submission will be considered and acted upon and look forward to further consultation.  


Read the full submission here