RCNI encourages new government to enact the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) attended yesterday to the SPACE international event in Buswells hotel as part of their work towards ending sexual exploitation, support their call for the prompt enactment of Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015.

RCNI is a long standing member of the Turn Off The Red Light (TORL) campaign, whose legislative calls to protect those sexually exploited and to empower the state to address those who do the exploiting are included in the far ranging 2015 Bill.

RCNI continue to call on Tánaiste Fitzgerald to reconsider the lack of a definition of consent in the Bill, a word that has been used in many sections of the Bill but remains undefined. Establishing in law a clear standard of behaviour that distinguishes sexual violence from sexual activity would help prosecutors, juries, witnesses, survivors and their communities.

RCNI also call for the amendment, which victim support organisations collectively called for to section 33 on the disclosure of sensitive and private records in an investigation, to be introduced. At the last reading this vital amendment to protect victims was referred to the Attorney General for advice.
Finally, RCNI strongly urge the Tánaiste not to miss this opportunity to extend the special measures for criminal evidence laid out for children victims of sexual violence, to all vulnerable victims including adults.



  • RCNI, founded by Rape Crisis Centres in 1985, is a specialist information and resource centre on rape and all forms of sexual violence. Rape Crisis Centres provide free advice, counselling and support for all survivors of sexual violence.
  • The RCNI believe the introduction of hate crime legislation in Ireland for sexual harassment and sexual bullying would improve protections for women, men and children. RCNI endorses and supports the report of the Hate and Hostility Research Group at the University of Limerick and the growing partnerships calling for this gap in our laws to be addressed.

Launch of the first national RCNI report on LGBT survivors of sexual violence attending Rape Crisis Centres

This is a key tool for responses, policy and strategies to fight hate crimes against the LGBT community.

Today Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr. Katherine Zappone launched the RCNI statistical report Finding A Safe Place: LGBT survivors of sexual violence and disclosure in Rape Crisis Centres, which highlights vulnerabilities and the need for safe places for LGBT survivors and a safe and open conversation about the issues.

Clíona Saidléar, head of RCNI said, ‘worryingly, LGBT survivors can take up to twice as long to report the crime compared with their straight counterparts. They also rely much more on friends and partners and less on parents and family than straight people do. These two findings suggest the potential isolation and the added difficulties survivors who are also LGBT face in reaching out and seeking support. This and other findings in this report should act as a catalyst for action to policy makers, to service providers and to community leaders to transform responses towards creating greater safety for LGBT survivors.’

RCNI also welcome their partners Gay and Lesbian Equality Network (GLEN), and Gay Switchboard Ireland in helping to launch this report and bringing forward the learning from this report.

Odhrán Allen, Director of Mental Health at GLEN said, “It is clear there is a lack of awareness of the problem of sexual violence both in the LGBT community and among the general public. This report will underpin efforts by voluntary and statutory providers to support LGBT people who have experienced sexual violence and to promote reporting and help-seeking. A critical next step will be the introduction of hate crime legislation that will protect LGBT people from violence and harassment motivated by homophobia, biphobia and transphobia”.

Adam Shanley, Director of Gay Switchboard Ireland said, “This report is an important effort in focusing attention on the issues that face LGBT people in a post-marriage equality Ireland. Discussion about sexual violence in the community is so far to the margins it is all but invisible. At Gay Switchboard Ireland we want to make talking about sexual violence safe for the LGBT community. The report has prompted us to hold a community discussion with stakeholders across the LGBT spectrum on the topic as an opportunity to start the conversation.”

RCNI concluded, ‘Survivors’ facing multiple disadvantages often remain voiceless as their risks when disclosing may be higher. The unique RCNI collective data system is sometimes their only safe way to be heard and to be counted. RCNI calls on the government to place value on this platform for the silenced and fund it again so that this first LGBT report may not be the last.’

Key findings:

  • In 2013, 88 LGB survivors (4%) of sexual violence attending 15 RCCs for counselling and support identified as lesbian, gay or bisexual (LGB).
  • Please Note Transgender survivors who were using the services in 2013, weren’t included in the statistical analysis due to the numbers being too low to safely do so. Notwithstanding, this is a report informed by the transgender users of RCC services and pertinent to transgender people and all those concerned with LGBT rights.
  • LGB survivors disclosed higher levels of multiple incidents of sexual violence than heterosexual survivors (26% compared to 15%).
  • GB males disclosed almost twice the levels of rape of heterosexual males (63% compared to 34%)
  • LB female survivors disclosed higher rates of abuse by male and female perpetrators abusing together (10%) than heterosexual females (2%).
  • 47% of LGB survivors waited over ten years to report the abuse compared with 21% of heterosexual survivors who took the same length of time to report.
  • 25% of LGB survivors disclosed first to a friend compared to 12% of straight survivors. 28% disclosed to parents or other family against 39 % of heterosexual survivors.
  • All LB survivors who became pregnant as a result of rape terminated the pregnancy.


homepage – Rape Crisis Network Ireland<https://www.rcni.ie/>
Presents all aspects of sexual violence with information for women, men, survivors, and supporters with contact details for all rape crisis centers in Ireland.

  • Gay Switchboard Ireland’s community discussion chaired by Adam Shanley takes place at 6:30 pm in Old Chocolate Factory, 26 Kings Inn St, panellists include, Odhrán Allen (GLEN), Broden Giambrone (TENI) Anne Scully (RCNI), Lynne Cahill (TCD).
  • This report is based on data from 15 rape crisis centres in 2013. Statutory funding was removed from the RCNI Data, Knowledge and Information System through which that data was collated in 2014.
  • RCNI, founded by Rape Crisis Centres in 1985, is a specialist information and resource centre on rape and all forms of sexual violence. Rape Crisis Centres provide free advice, counselling and support for all survivors of sexual violence.
  • Gay Switchboard Ireland is 41 years supporting the community, making it the oldest LGBT+ support service in Ireland. For more information:  http://gayswitchboard.ie/
  • GLEN, founded in 1988, is a Policy and Strategy focused NGO which aims to deliver ambitious and positive change for LGBT people in Ireland. For more information:  http://www.glen.ie/

RCNI Administrator Job Vacancy

Job Title:                                RCNI Administrator

Location:                                National Office, Dublin City Centre

Responsible to:                      RCNI Executive officer

Part time:                               3 days per week

Salary:                                    HSE Clerical grade IV €25,752 – 42,891

This post is funding dependent

Enquiries to director@rcni.ie

Post cover letter and cv to:

Cliona Saidlear


30 Merrion Sq.

Dublin 2


Closing date: 30th May 2016

Interviews will be held the week of the 13th of June


RCNI is the specialist sexual violence institution charged with a strategic role in creating change towards ending sexual violence in Ireland, improving responses to survivors of crime and holding perpetrators to account. We are owned and governed by our member Rape Crisis Centers.


The purpose of the Administrator post is to ensure the smooth running of the national office by undertaking administrative and financial duties, and to work as a member of the RCNI staff team towards achieving the aims and objectives of the organization

Summary of Main Responsibilities

  • Public Relations
  • Maintenance of the office
  • Maintenance of information systems
  • Provision of administrative support
  • Providing administrative and financial support to RCNI programmes
  • Monitoring finance and budget preparation
  • Participation in RCNI team meetings
  • RCNI Registrar.


  1. Public Relations
  • Ensure that all incoming communications are processed
  • Ensure that requests from member groups are received and dealt with directly, or passed on to the appropriate member of staff.
  1. Maintenance of the office
  • Maintain of the office equipment
  • Monitor and order materials, office goods and services
  • Ensure that incoming mail is received, sorted and distributed and outgoing mail is prepared for dispatch
  • Manage day to day running of office, including Health & Safety premises issues.
  1. Maintenance of information systems
  • Support accessible systems for information storage and retrieval and ensure that staff can use them
  • Co-maintenance  and updating of RCNI website with team
  • Maintenance of a Sectoral database of contacts
  • Assist in maintenance of RCNI Programmes
  • Maintain Registrar of RCNI Trained and Accredited Counsellors.
  1. Provision of administrative support
  • Contribute to fundraising activities through the development of budget proposals
  • Assist with the co-ordination of the Annual Report
  • Circulate papers for meetings and other documentation to members, within agreed time frames
  • Keep records of membership, Board of Management members, advisors, and ensure the organization’s legal documentation is maintained and various registration obligations are up to date
  • Assist with event management of RCNI events, including public meetings, conferences, training events, AGM, committees
  • Assist with booking of accommodation and venues board meetings and events.
  1. Monitoring finance and budget preparation
  • Implement systems for monitoring and recording petty cash and cheque payments
  • Reconcile incoming invoices, make payments and issue receipts
  • Prepare bank transactions and reconciliations
  • Process salary and expenses payments
  • Prepare cash flow and financial projection charts
  • Prepare all RCNI accounts for annual audit purposes
  • With the Director, prepare budgets and budget monitoring reports on financial matters for the Board of Management.
  1. Participation in supervision and in RCNI team meetings
  • Write reports for and attend  supervision sessions with the Director
  • Participate in team meetings
  • Contribute to operational planning in the organisation.

Other Duties

  • Any other duties that from time to time may be appropriate


Person Specification

The successful candidate will be energetic, enthusiastic, co-operative and with a high level of professionalism and attention to detail and deadlines in their approach to their work


Essential elements

  • An appropriate third level qualification or equivalent experience in financial administration and information technology.
  • Excellent IT skills – excellent spreadsheet skills, website maintenance, MS Office Skills, database maintenance, knowledge of computerized financial systems (including sage) an advantage
  • Minimum 3 years experience of office administration and preparation of financial information for management purposes
  • The ability to collect, evaluate and interpret financial data, and present management accounting information in an appropriate format
  • The ability to use initiative to work methodically with minimum supervision, often under time pressure
  • The ability to prioritise workload, and at times assist in the administrative workload of other staff
  • Effective communication skills, particularly the ability to explain technical and financial information in an accessible way
  • A demonstrable understanding of the issues affecting women and children who have experienced violence in the home
  • A commitment to the ethos of the organization.

Desirable Elements

  • Evidence of professional bookkeeping technician level training or qualification

RCNI calls on the next government to take action to make it “Safe to Learn” thus ensuring the safety of young people from sexual violence in secondary schools

RCNI calls on the next government to take action to make it “Safe to Learn” thus ensuring the safety of young people from sexual violence in secondary schools

All children and young people should have the opportunity to learn in a safe environment. Safety includes freedom from the threat, fear or fact of all forms of sexual violence, and there is a statutory obligation to ensure same; however, we are currently not meeting that obligation.

RCNI’s 2016 Manifesto outlines three steps necessary to meet these obligations:

  1. Introducing a national policy for all secondary schools of proactive, zero tolerance towards sexual violence
  2. National guidelines and policy for schools to fully support victims and alleged abusers in schools
  3. Comprehensive, mandatory best practice curriculum content

Dr. Clíona Saidléar, Strategic & Programme Executive, RCNI said, “Our work in rape crisis centres working with child survivors proves that sexual harassment, threat, fear and indeed sexual assault is experienced by children in our schools. Unfortunately, no research exists to define the scale and extent of this problem; instead we are relying on the individual testimony of children and young people attending rape crisis centres.

“Therefore, the next government must urgently build an understanding of the challenge that exists, while supporting schools to proactively address the issue. And we must also empower children through effective, evidence-based interventions.”

Dr. Saidléar said, “School communities need to explicitly promote zero tolerance of sexual harassment and violence. In the absence of a zero tolerance approach, the RCNI analysis is that a comprehensive sexual violence policy is lost between the Action Plan on Bullying, which fails to address sexual harassment and violence (bar cyberbullying), and Children First, which addresses how individual incidents are effectively reported to and handled by the authorities but does not prevent them from happening in the first place. We must do all we can to prevent crimes of sexual violence, from happening, and we have a duty to our children to ensure that they are safe to learn.”

“We fear that in this absence, what children learn is to minimise, laugh off, deny, or indeed to tolerate sexual violence, either as a perpetrator or target.”

Secondly, RCNI is clear that post-primary schools face significant challenges in responding to the complex support and care needs of child victims and indeed child perpetrators in their school community, which are inadequately addressed in Children First. Given the centrality of the school community in a teenager’s life, national guidance needs to be put in place to assist schools to support child victims and aggressors, reducing instances of secondary trauma and preventing negative impacts on their school performance. This will support an appropriate justice response through Children First actions.

Thirdly, RCNI’s 2014 report, Young People, Alcohol and sex: What’s consent got to do with it?[1], a qualitative study of college students’ understanding of sexual consent and alcohol consumption demonstrated that young people themselves concluded that they lacked preparedness to negotiate consent safely, leaving them vulnerable to sexual violence.

Dr. Saidléar said: “Curriculum content needs to address consent, and we very much welcome the Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence’s commitment here, but urge consideration of how the “safe to learn” goal can be met when curriculum content of such importance remains optional. Making schools safe to learn must be a government-led priority for any incoming Minister for Education.”


RCNI’s election manifesto can be found on https://www.rcni.ie/wp-content/uploads/RCNI-Manifesto-Final.pdf


[1] Young people, alcohol and sex: What’s Consent got to do with it?, Padraig Mac Neela, NUIG, 2014

Grooming and Teenage Sexual Exploitation

Our ambiguity about sex can create opportunity for sexual exploitation


Today, upon the sentencing of a 26 year old man for online grooming and defilement of a 15 year old girl, the RCNI draw attention to our attitudes to teenage vulnerability to sexual predators.


Clíona Saidlear, head of RCNI said, ‘the grooming of children, including teenagers, for sex is a serious offence. Grooming is a weapon that most cruelly uses the victim against themselves. A predator in grooming seeks to make the victim active and blameworthy of the crime being committed against them. It is critical that we challenge grooming by ensuring we consistently identify and condemn grooming, placing the blame where it belongs, on the predator.


RCNI welcome the new offences of online grooming which are being brought in under the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill 2015. This much anticipated Bill which is in the Seanad again this Thursday before moving to the Dail, is now urgently needed to bring our laws up to date with changing technology and opportunity for predators.


Ms Saidléar continued, ‘In order to support vulnerable young people we must be clear about the difference between non-abusive behaviour and grooming. We must not shy away from naming sexual exploitation and our duty to intervene and protect, under due process, for fear of offending or seeming overbearing. We can lessen a predator’s opportunity to sexually exploit a child, and empower the child targeted in this manner, if we are clear on these issues.’




Further information

Clíona Saidléar 0872196447

RCNI welcome EU Victims’ Directive transposition as a good day for survivors but cautions on inadequate resourcing

RCNI welcome EU Victims’ Directive transposition as a good day for survivors but cautions on inadequate resourcing.

Today, the 16th of November, is a historic day for survivors of sexual violence as the European Victims’ Directive comes into force in Ireland putting significant extra obligations on the Irish State in what RCNI describe as a ‘win win’ situation.

Clíona Saidléar head of Rape Crisis Network Ireland said, ‘today marks a historic moment in transforming our culture and responses to sexual violence survivors and all survivors of crime so that they are supported and respected, in joined-up ways, both inside and outside the justice process.

‘This Directive gives all survivors, whether they report the crime or not, a set of additional rights. These rights include a right to access free and specialist support services such as Rape Crisis Centres which must now be adequately funded. Importantly under this Directive, survivors will have these additional rights whether they choose to report the crime to the authorities or not. We must now ensure survivors are informed, at the earliest possible opportunity, about what is theirs by right.

‘We call on government to ensure our capacity to meet survivors’ needs in the manner obligated by the Directive. We continue to engage with the Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald and her team who are finalising the Criminal Justice (Victims of Crime) Bill 2015 but we also urge the Minister to pay attention to the resource implications of the Directive as we fear current allocations are inadequate.

Caroline Counihan, RCNI Legal Director said, ‘addressing delay and training is what is going to make this Directive really work for survivors. No matter whom survivors interact with, from first responders right through the criminal justice system, they should receive a consistent and excellent response from that person or agency, one that hears them, respects their rights and dignity and works professionally and diligently to meet their needs. 

‘What we know is that treating survivors well means better investigations, survivors staying with the criminal justice process and ultimately more perpetrators held to account. This is a win win change for victims in our legal system.

‘With this Directive we are essentially moving to a criminal justice system where the victim has   additional rights which neither  the  State nor the person accused will be able to ignore, in the course of investigative and court proceedings. These rights should reduce the levels of fear and re-traumatisation experienced by victims of sexual violence as they go through each stage of the criminal justice process, and for this reason also are very much welcomed.


·         Link to the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32012L0029&from=EN

·         Rape Crisis Centres have seen their funding cut by up to 30% over the years since 2008

·         RCNI funding from Tusla was cut in its entirety by Tusla in 2015. That money has not been redistributed to centres.  Centres have not received funding to support the policy, standards, training and guidance requirements upon then to be compliant with the law and contract conditions, neither have they received resources to collect data in the manner required of them by the funder (Tusla), all of which were previously supported by the RCNI for member centres.

·         A significant increase in demand on services is anticipated from the directive being implemented with much more effective referrals from all agencies, so far there is no indication from the funder or government that there will be a corresponding increase in funding.

Rare Marital Rape Conviction welcomed by RCNI who issue caution on culture excuses for sexual violence

Rare Marital Rape Conviction welcomed by RCNI who issue caution on culture excuses for sexual violence

RCNI welcomes the marital rape conviction of the 53 year old man who has been given a six year sentence in the Central Criminal Court today.

Dr Clíona Saidléar, Head of RCNI said, “RCNI welcome this rare marital rape conviction. Rape and sexual violence by partners is a significant problem that is highly under reported and prosecuted. For 15% of adult survivors using Rape Crisis services in 2014 the abuser was a partner or ex-partner. We know Domestic Violence services also support many survivors of Sexual Violence within relationships.

“Marital rape often follows a pattern of serial and persistent abuse as part of more general abuse over a long period of time. This conviction should be a clear signal to the perpetrators of these crimes that this is a crime and it will not be tolerated. No excuse of cultural ignorance or normalization of sexual violence against one’s spouse can be tolerated in our justice system and should be given short shrift in any court case should such a plea be made. It is vital that survivors past and current of such abuse are supported and hear a clear message that what is happening to them is a crime and will be responded to appropriately.”

Note: Martial rape was made illegal relatively recently in 1991 and has seen only a handful of convictions since then.

Any cuts to Tusla will affect victims of sex assault and rape

Any cuts to Tusla will affect victims of sex assault and rape

Irish Examiner opinion piece.
A leaked Tusla (the Child and Family Agency) briefing to a Cabinet subcommittee regarding the Agency being ‘in default of statutory obligations‘ due to a lack of resources, prompted its Chief Executive, Mr. Gordon Jeyes, to make a number of public statements on rte.

Those statements highlighted a serious question about how an agency whose overriding priority is child protection can champion and support adult survivors and services for predominantly women experiencing violence.

What we learnt was that half of all Tusla cuts to date have been made to their community and voluntary sector spending (they control the statutory funding of sexual and domestic violence services and family resource centres). Further Mr. Jeyes stated that the domestic violence and rape crisis sectors will be the targets of further cuts should the government not meet Tusla’s child protection and early intervention funding demands.

But cutting the domestic and sexual violence sector would not gain Tusla the funding it requires to make up its deficits in child protection, estimated by Tusla at €132m over a three year period. The sexual and domestic violence sector, of 60 services nationwide, represents only 3% of the overall Tusla budget at an annual €19m out of €635m.

So why, if it won’t deliver the necessary funds, are sexual violence victims’ services being threatened with these cuts? That is a question we cannot answer.

What we can say is that pitching survivors of sexual violence against child protection is unfair, degrading and heartbreaking. The protection of children from becoming victims is vital. Treating with dignity those survivors of past failures of the state to protect children and responding to their needs is vital. Making survivors and survivors’ organizations argue for one over the other option is unjust. Yet this is precisely what Mr. Jeyes articulated over the weekend.

However, before we rush to judgment we might note that this competition was inevitable when the government set up Tusla. Sexual and domestic violence services, for predominantly adults and predominantly women, were transferred from the HSE to Tusla: the Child and Family Agency.

It was clear from the start that child protection would be the biggest ‘driver’ within the Agency and that the Agency was underfunded. Yet no safeguards, such as ring-fencing the funding of vulnerable organizations at the furthest edges of the Agency’s priorities, were put in place. That adult survivors’ dignity and needs would inevitably be threatened in the interest of preventing children today becoming the survivors of tomorrow, was therefore tragically predictable.

Sexual violence remains, despite 40 years of the feminist movement and considerable advances, an issue shrouded in silences. We estimate 80% of survivors do not choose to engage with the state. It is all too easy to say those silences exist because of regressive cultural attitudes and survivor ‘failings’. Often overlooked is the institutional and structural failings and discriminations that sets the context for survivors’ choices and shape a response from the State that continues to fall woefully short.

The only viable path towards the transformation needed to end sexual violence involves treating survivors with dignity and respect. Survivors, whether adults or children, are whole human beings with rights undiminished by the choice a perpetrator made to target them for a crime. Yet all too often survivors suffer from limitations, fears and consequences that do impinge on their freedoms, their mental health and their choices.

Services for survivors of sexual violence are not luxury extras, indeed the area needs increased investment. The EU Victims’ Directive comes into force on the 16th of November bringing a wide range of legal obligations, including providing free services to victims (article 8(3)). Despite government rhetoric Tusla will struggle to honour these obligations.

It must now be clear to government that an agency, with a remit in child and family welfare which is operating in a funding crisis cannot champion adult survivors of sexual violence. Tusla Director, Gordon Jeyes has as good as said as much and we welcome his honesty.

It is imperative that the Government actively and critically challenges the State’s institutional and structural discrimination against survivors of sexual violence. A Minister making that commitment to leadership needs the input and analysis of experts and specialists without whose engagement the State, as demonstrated, will sleepwalk its way into colluding with the diminishing of a survivor’s rights. Unfortunately, unless things change, that writing is already on the wall.

Cliona Saidlear, PhD, RCNI Strategic and Programme Executive

The Irish Examiner, 13/10/2015

RCNI welcome the publication of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offices) Bill but express disappointment at a lack of definition of consent.

RCNI strongly welcome the publication of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offices) Bill and commend Minister for Justice and Equality, Frances Fitzgerald but express disappointment at a lack of definition of consent.

Clíona Saidléar, RCNI Acting Director said, ‘This long awaited legislation is one of the most important advances in the legal framework around sexual violence crimes in recent years. There is much here to commend. However, RCNI are disappointed that no definition of consent, a concept which is pivotal to sexual offences, has not been included in this important legislation.

‘Everything we know about sexual violence and today’s culture tells us we cannot assume a common understanding of consent, therefore it must be defined in law. The consequence of not defining consent may be that we leave grey areas for perpetrators of sexual crimes to get away with their crimes and we leave victims much too vulnerable to invasive questioning as to their behavior and character. The law must do its utmost to protect victims from unjust blame and silencing. We would urge the legislature to insert a definition of consent into this Bill.’

Caroline Counihan, RCNI Legal Director said, ‘we are constantly reminded of the devastation caused to children by sexual violence. A large part of this violence begins with “grooming” behaviours which do not always fit in to the existing categories of offences. The laws must fit the realities of today’s childhood. The introduction of a new offence of grooming of children including grooming via social media and otherwise through the use of information technology is very welcome.

‘RCNI welcomes the introduction of a statutory regime to regulate disclosure of counselling records relating to victims, in criminal proceedings. The survivor- therapist relationship is one which supports healing and recovery. It is a relationship of trust where survivors can find a uniquely safe space to talk about intimate, personal and perhaps frightening matters.

The Bill means that a judge will decide whether and/or to what extent, any disclosure of therapist notes will be allowed, and in doing so, s/he will take into account the public interest in preserving the confidentiality of such intimate and personal records, as well as the right of the accused to a fair trial.’

RCNI look forward to reading the Bill in detail and responding more comprehensively in the days to come.



  • Please see www.rcni.ie under publications and submission for a range of RCNI documentation which contributed in detail to the contents of this Bill.
  • RCNI is also a member of Turn off the Red light the campaign to introduce the criminalisation of the buyer of sex.