Oral presentation: Meeting Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence’s needs

Resources The scale of intervention needed to address gender based violence in Ireland is not reflected in resourcing. Domestic Violence alone (not including sexual violence) has been estimated to cost the Irish state €2.2bn annually or 1.16% of 2014 GDP. In 2014 the government provided €20m of funding to domestic and sexual violence services which […]

RCNI submission to JOCJDE on Victims of Crime July 2015

RCNI Submission to JOCJDE on Victims of Crime GS July 2015

Letter: Consent Education to prevent sexual violence

Consent Education to prevent sexual violence We welcome Trinity College Student Union’s initiative to propose mandatory consent classes to first year students. There is well developed evidence behind this initiative which recognises that consent education is critical to preventing sexual violence. Working with the Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI), USI first made the inclusion of […]

Letter: Rape Crisis Network Ireland

Rape Crisis Network Ireland Sir, – In “‘Very serious mistakes’ in State’s sexual violence strategy” (June 9th), you reported Tusla’s comment on the Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) national data, knowledge and information system that “the data collection techniques employed by RCNI were not of the requisite standard”. This statement is untrue. We thank The […]

Opinion: Funding cut will erode service for victims of sexual violence

Funding cut will erode service for victims of sexual violence Sexual violence is highly prevalent across Ireland. One in five girls and one in six boys experience contact sexual abuse and one in 10 women are raped within their life time (SAVI 2002). In short, sexual violence is one of the most critical issues a […]

Opinion: State has job to do and Tusla is not the answer

State has job to do and Tusla is not the answer SEXUAL violence is highly prevalent across Ireland. One in five girls and one in six boys experience contact sexual abuse and one in 10 women are raped. Given its systemic and gendered nature, sexual violence is recognised as a life-limiting discrimination under which all […]