Rape Crisis Centre’s Services are here to help during Covid-19

We understand that this may a particularly difficult time for sexual violence survivors. Based on the advice of Government with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 16 Rape Crisis Centres nationwide are adjusting to maintain services to clients and other users of their services, while observing best practice to combat infection.

Centers are currently providing telephone or online counselling and support, but our buildings are closed in order to protect the health and well-being of everyone.

We ask that anyone wishing to discuss any matter with a staff member to contact their local Rape Crisis Centre by phone or email. We are here to help.


The National 24-Hour Freephone Rape Crisis Helpline 1800 77 88 88 remains open for those who need to access crisis support.

Please find your local centre here www.rapecrisishelp.ie or telephone:

Carlow & South Leinster Rape Crisis & Counselling Centre – 1800 72 77 37

Donegal Sexual Abuse & RCC – 1800 44 88 44

Kerry Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre – 1800 63 33 33

Mayo Rape Crisis Centre – 1800 23 49 00

Rape Crisis Midwest – 1800 31 15 11

Rape Crisis North East (RCNE) – 1800 21 21 22

Rape Crisis and Sexual Abuse Counselling Centre, Sligo Leitrim and West Cavan – 1800 75 07 80

Waterford Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre – 1800 29 62 96

Galway Rape Crisis Centre – 1800 35 53 55

Dublin RCC – 1800 77 88 88

Cork Sexual Violence Centre – 1800 49 64 96

Athlone Midland Rape Crisis Centre –  1800 30 66 00

Regional Sexual Abuse & Rape Crisis Centre Tullamore – 1800 32 32 32

Wexford Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Service – 1800 33 00 33

Kilkenny Rape Crisis & Counselling Centre – 1800 47 84 78

Tipperary Rape Crisis Centre – 1800 34 03 40

Rape Crisis & Sexual Abuse Centre NI – 0808 802 1414