Rape Victim Denied Termination

Rape Crisis Network Ireland today expressed deep concern at the trauma inflicted on the rape victim, who was pregnant after rape and sought a termination at eight weeks – and after delay upon delay resorted to hunger strike. RCNI are concerned that her human rights were effectively denied and call for immediate government action.

Fiona Neary, RCNI Director said, ‘we are appalled at the treatment of this rape victim. While not all the details are known we are clear that this rape victim was utterly failed in her decision to terminate her pregnancy at a very early stage. It is unclear what happened over the next three months that culminated in the force feeding of the young woman and the birth by caesarean section of her just viable child. What is clear is that this rape victim was not taken care of, her human rights and her choices were denied. How many more rape victims have and will be failed in this way?’

RCNI call on the government to clarify immediately
* who is responsible for finding out exactly what happened in this case,
* who were the authorities from whom the young woman sought to access a termination and
* what responses was she given?
Further, how does the government intend to take appropriate action to ensure this never happens again and when and how will the public will be informed of what gave rise to months of delays while this young woman was in contact with ‘authorities’ and requesting a termination.

Ms Neary continued, ‘statements such that ‘the new legislation will be monitored’ are wholly insufficient – this legislation fails victims of rape, including incest, who cannot access a termination in a timely and supportive manner in Ireland.’
For a link to RCNI briefing on pregnancy after rape for RCC service users https://www.rcni.ie/wp-content/uploads/RangeOfOutcomesOfSurvivorsOfRapeWhoArePregnantAsAResultOfRape2011.pdf