Rare Marital Rape Conviction welcomed by RCNI who issue caution on culture excuses for sexual violence

Rare Marital Rape Conviction welcomed by RCNI who issue caution on culture excuses for sexual violence

RCNI welcomes the marital rape conviction of the 53 year old man who has been given a six year sentence in the Central Criminal Court today.

Dr Clíona Saidléar, Head of RCNI said, “RCNI welcome this rare marital rape conviction. Rape and sexual violence by partners is a significant problem that is highly under reported and prosecuted. For 15% of adult survivors using Rape Crisis services in 2014 the abuser was a partner or ex-partner. We know Domestic Violence services also support many survivors of Sexual Violence within relationships.

“Marital rape often follows a pattern of serial and persistent abuse as part of more general abuse over a long period of time. This conviction should be a clear signal to the perpetrators of these crimes that this is a crime and it will not be tolerated. No excuse of cultural ignorance or normalization of sexual violence against one’s spouse can be tolerated in our justice system and should be given short shrift in any court case should such a plea be made. It is vital that survivors past and current of such abuse are supported and hear a clear message that what is happening to them is a crime and will be responded to appropriately.”

Note: Martial rape was made illegal relatively recently in 1991 and has seen only a handful of convictions since then.