RCNI Event – Sexual Violence: The State we’re in – June 9th, RIA, Dublin

Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) cordially invite you to the presentation and launch of

 Sexual Violence: The State we’re in

The RCNI National Rape Crisis Statistics Report 2014 and 

analysis of State capacity to progressively respond to sexual violence


RCNI’s unique data and knowledge information system, which is used in the collection of information from survivors attending RCCs in Ireland, is critical to understanding sexual violence. It provides a clear picture of the characteristics of sexual violence experienced by service users in Ireland and the different vulnerabilities they experience. This may be last year the RCNI can present this powerful evidence base from survivors of sexual violence, as funding has been removed by government.


Difficult questions about the future of the sector will also be addressed and analysed.

The event will take place at 10am on Tuesday, June 9th 2015

Venue: Royal Irish Academy, 19 Dawson Street, Dublin 2.


Please feel free to circulate this event with colleagues and other interested parties.


Please rsvp: comms@rcni.ie

This event is free of charge.

RCNI Invite – National Statistics Report 2014 Launch – 9 June 2015