RCNI Information Seminar: Sexual Offences – What’s new?

Sexual Offences – What’s New?

RCNI are to hold an information seminar on selected topics from the General Scheme of the Criminal Law (Sexual Offences) Bill, which will take place on Thursday, April 23rd 2015, from 10.00 to 13.15 at Buswells Hotel, Dublin 2

Expert Speakers will cover:

–         Grooming and other new sexual offences against children;

–         Child Pornography Offences;

–         Sex Offenders: Risk Assessment and Risk Management;

–         Special Measures – new Provisions



09.45:    Registration

10.00:    Welcome and Introduction from RCNI Director, Dr Clíona Saidléar

10.15:    Ombudsman for Children, Dr Niall Muldoon: Child Pornography Offences/Grooming, Q&A

11.00:    BREAK tea/coffee

11.30:    Inspector Michael Lynch (TBC), AGS: Sex Offenders – Risk Assessment/Risk Management, Q&A

12.00:    Dr Conor Hanly, NUI Galway School of Law: Special Measures, Q&A

12.30:    Plenary Discussion on all Presentations

12.45:    RCNI LPD: What’s Missing: A Positive Definition of Consent

13.00:    Close from RCNI Chairperson, Anne Scully


Please be advised a waiting list is now in operation for this event.