RCNI New Fund it Campaign is Now Live! Help us make history.

RCNI is delighted to announce that our first Fund it campaign is now live.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland turns 30 this year and to celebrate this milestone we would like to create a comprehensive audio and video account of our history. We want to capture the story of how and why the RCNI came to be what it is today – the moments of elation, defeat, frustration, victory and all the bits in-between. We would like to make this account of our past and present as great as possible but to do so we need your help, please consider donating to our Fund it campaign to help us make this goal a reality.


For more information on this project and to find out how you can be a part of it please go to:


Rape Crisis Network Ireland (RCNI) is 30 years old and we’d like to celebrate this by reflecting back in order to look forward. To do this we’d like to create audio and video accounts of our history paying tribute to the huge impact, contribution and legacy that Rape Crisis Centres throughout Ireland created when they began working together in 1985 to create our charity organisation. RCNI and Rape Crisis Centres have prompted huge social, political and cultural changes in Ireland, which have positively impacted survivors’ experiences, and attitudes and awareness of sexual violence.

We want to capture the stories of how and why it all happened and came to be what it is today – the moments of elation, defeat, frustration, victory and all the bits in-between. We’d like to make this account of our past and present as personalised as possible as often the richness of history, and especially women’s history, comes from the micro-narratives and accounts. This will involve speaking with the women who had the shared vision of coordinating Rape Crisis Centre responses through the creation of RCNI, and with the many who continue to work within and sustain the movement.

The audio and video pieces we aim to create will really bring the story to life by demonstrating the huge personal commitment and journey made by those involved. Most importantly, this is about preparation for the next step, we are on the cusp of a whole of society and government engagement in challenging the prevalence of sexual violence in Ireland.

Our chosen videographer is Maura Cunningham. She has worked in broadcast and web production for 10 years and her experience includes projects with various Youth Groups and organisations such as the Samaritans, VSI and the Department of Education.

We want to collate this story now while we have the opportunity as many of the original founders of RCNI are still working in the sector. We want to write our story so far, so that we can move with purpose into this crucial next phase of realising the movement’s vision towards ending sexual violence.