RCNI release latest Sexual Assault Treatment Unit (SATU) accompaniment figures

In 2013 494 people were accompanied to SATUs by Rape Crisis Centre Psychological Support Workers, according to new Rape Crisis Network Ireland National statistics. 95% of the victims were female and the age range was from teenagers to 65. This unique Rape Crisis support to victims attending a sexual assault treatment unit is provided 24 hours a day in each of the SATU locations nationwide.

RCNI’s Susan Miner said, ‘for survivors the fact that we are there at the SATU, working as part of the team with An Garda Síochána, the SAFE (Sexual Assault Forensic Examination) Nurses, Medical Doctors and Clinical Nurse Managers is incredibly important.’

Rape Crisis Network Ireland, An Garda Síochána, Office of the DPP, Forensic Science Laboratory, HSE nursing and medical personnel and GPs have devised and updated the national guidelines by which these vital services are offered. The updated third edition of Recent Rape/Sexual Assault: National Guidelines on Referral and Forensic Clinical Examination in Ireland is being launched tomorrow morning (17th October) in Mullingar. These guidelines include sections covering An Garda Síochána, clinical forensic examinations, health checks, STI checks and treatment, psychological support, General Practitioners and legal issues.

An electronic copy of the Guidelines will be available on the RCNI website – www.rcni.ie from Friday lunchtime.