RCNI welcomes the double life sentence of man convicted of the rape of two children

RCNI welcome the sentencing of the 30 year old man convicted of the rape of a child in Athlone last September in the Central Criminal Court by Judge Paul Carney today.

Fiona Neary, RCNI Executive Director said, ‘RCNI welcomes Judge Carney’s sentence of this man and his statements on the issue of  mitigation –  today a very serious sexual offender was given a very serious sentence. RCNI thoughts are with the children and their families and hope they get the support and privacy they need now to continue healing and to face forward.


‘Many people will ask “how will these children cope”– it is important to know that recovery is possible. The children were believed when they told, they were listened to, they were immediately embraced with love, care and support. They were helped immediately, including through specialist support. Today justice was delivered and the girls know that nothing was their fault. All of these steps support recovery.


‘A life sentence is appropriate in the most serious incidents of sexual violence crime, including exceptional cases where there is an early guilty plea. This is such a case. A life sentence equips the State to do everything in its power to keep the community safe from those who would pose a danger. With a life sentence the state can now monitor and supervise this relatively young offender for the rest of his life, should parole be agreed in the future.’