RCNI welcome strong sentence for rapist Liam Adams

RCNI today welcomed the strong 16 year sentence and additional 2 years probation that was handed down to Liam Adams today in Laganside Crown court following his conviction for 10 counts of rape and indecent assault on his daughter.

Fiona Neary RCNI Director said, “Áine Adams has spent decades holding firm to the truth about her father’s abuse of her in incredibly difficult circumstances. Today that truth has been heard and vindicated at every level. The 16 year sentence given to Liam Adams is a serious and clear signal that acknowledges the full scale of the abuse he subjected Áine to from the age of 4 until‘she was 9.”

“RCNI also welcome that the sentencing judge gave serious consideration to post release conditions, sought the opinion of probation officers and included a two year post release probations period on the offender. RCNI would like to see this becoming a normal part of any sentencing process of a serious’sex offender.”