RCNI National Rape Crisis Statistics 2022

Read the RCNI Rape Crisis Statistics 2022 here.

RCNI National Rape Crisis Statistics 2021

Read the RCNI Rape Crisis Statistics 2021 here.

RCNI National Rape Crisis Statistics 2020

Read the RCNI Rape Crisis Statistics 2020 here.

View all our other National Statistics Reports

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Overview of the National Statistics Project and Database

Consistent and comparable data is essential in developing policy objectives and service responses and in determining the effects of reforms. There is a scarcity of Irish-specific sexual violence data. In order to fill some of the existing knowledge gaps, the RCNI has been working over the last decade with member RCCs and outside experts on a major statistics project. The result is the high quality, reliable data contained in the yearly statistics report. These annual statistics present the collective story of the survivors who have utilised rape crisis services and are a vital tool in working to end sexual violence, to providing the best possible services for survivors and to holding perpetrators to account. RCNI information system is for public benefit towards a society free from sexual violence and so we routinely release annual statistics and other reports. In addition, capacity permitting, RCNI will endeavour to respond to ad hoc queries regarding unpublished statistics.

Rape Crisis Network Ireland has been selected by the European Institute of Gender Equality (EIGE) as an example of best practice data collection in Europe.

RCNI Database Infographic

Rape Crisis Centre Data Collection Officers

A Data Collection Officer (DCO) and a Backup Data Collection Officer (for those times the Data Collection Officer is not available) are appointed in each Rape Crisis Centre. The DCO is responsible for:

  • Attending RCNI database training
  • Ongoing communication with RCNI regarding the database, including any difficulties and ensuring that Face-to-Face, Appointment, Helpline and Accompaniment data is entered into the database
  • Either the Data Collection Officer will do the data entry her/himself or the Data Collection Officer will ensure that others in the RCC/organisation are entering all data
  • Ensuring that the data is regularly checked and cleaned
  • Ensuring that any mobile devices used to store database records are encrypted

The DCO role in the National Statistics project is vital in ensuring that we have accurate statistics that reflect the experiences of clients accessing RCCs and the level and range of services that RCCs provide. Thanks to their hard work and dedication to the project throughout the year(s) our database is being recognised on a national and international level as a vital tool in ending sexual violence.

Personal data and privacy

The collective story these statistics tell us is based on individual data of survivors using rape crisis centres. We ensure that personal data remains confidential and that in telling the collective story we never reveal anyone’s identity. Our commitment and practices around confidentiality is outlined to each person using the services face to face. In addition we build in the latest in information security, layers of anonymisation, access limitation and training for staff in data governance. Please see You, Your Data, Your Rights if you are interested in learning more.

Mapping Rape Crisis Services

Rape crisis services are differently available around the country. Some areas have no services at all and some have very limited services. As part of our work to ensure that all survivors have access to the services they require for recovery and healing, the RCNI continually maps service availability and accessibility. We are concerned that, not only are RCCs located in an even geographical distribution around the country, but that RCCs are accessible to survivors from differently vulnerable and marginalised groups. These maps are utilised for regional and national planning and form part of partnership working with government agencies.